Monday, August 10, 2009

I figured I'd start this out of sheer boredom. July, and August is the slowest time of the year for our business, and I can go hours without seeing a single person come through our door. What do we do?

I own a tanning salon.

I know. Don't bother. You don't go tanning because... whatever the reason. I don't give a shit. I've heard it all before. Your argument against this is not original, plus I have plenty of pictures of the tanning beds sold to dermatologists for use in their offices. They're very fancy, and look like a Murphy Bed that folds into a wall.

Oh look! Here's one now!

So save it. Those guys are just pissed that they lost business to guys like me, and can't charge your insurance company $75 for a tanning session. **tin foil hat on**So by making it sound really bad, doctors hope to drive guys like me out of business so they can charge more. **tin foil hat off**

Take that dermatologists!

Anyway when it gets slow, and I get bored I'll put up some of the better stories that most people that work in a retail or service businesses can identify with, and some of them are pretty weird, and funny.

So come back!

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