Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh No the Floor is wet?!

Yeah sorry about that. It snowed 15 inches just last week, and the floor is wet because you waited until you came inside to stomp the snow off of your shoes. Then when you took them off you set them right next to a tanning bed that's been running non-stop all day and is as hot as a standard pizza oven.

I'll mop it up as soon as you leave, but you see, I'm not really supposed to go in the room while you're in there. And you will be like the tenth person to tell me... "Why don't you get rugs for the rooms?" Why? Because at the end of the night I'm stuck cleaning up 10 soaking wet, smelly rugs.

Plus most people can't walk and chew gum at the same time. The last thing I want is someone tripping over a rug and bashing their face into a glass filled tanning bed. I'm waiting to get sued every second of the day as it is, I don't need to worry about that too. Oh and everyone else that comes in will complain that the rug in the room is wet. See how that works? So I'm gonna stick with what's easiest for me. Just keeping this place going is enough of a pain in the ass as it is. Don't believe me? Hand me $250,000 or $300,000 and I'll hand you the keys, and you'll never find me.

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